A scan of today’s Facebook feed: recipe for extreme humour or advanced depression


Life is looking a little dreary as we leave February and head into March. Still there’s Facebook to bring a little foreign sunshine into our lives, right?

The first FB post I check out is a video titled “When water flows uphill”, with the caption, “Two physicists…discover a new and fun means to manipulate the movement of water.” As if we haven’t been doing this since we learned how drag a stick from one mud puddle to the next.

The next is another video explaining what happens when modern food, water and electrical distribution infrastructure collapses—like in Puerto Rico, New Orleans, Venezuela, Libya, Yemen, Syria and Sudan. As one might imagine, what happens is not exactly fun. The point of the video is actually the US’s abdication of compassionate leadership, something it had when it rebuilt Europe and Japan after WW2. Uplifting.

Yet another video introduced as “hope for the future!” a short documentary promoting unlimited energy from nuclear fusion—the same power that lights up the sun. So far, the energy produced is only equal to the energy put in to get these machines up to 100 million degrees C. Just maybe in 20 to 30 years… technology will save us.

Fourth video. This one titled “New tardigrade species found in parking lot in Japan.” It looks like a microscopic slug. The poster enthuses, “I’m loving evolution. Hate extinction.” Enough said. The same could be said for the next one: “Goat yoga is the most adorable new trend.”

Finally something I could sink my eyes into: a nearly naked man sporting goggles and a white beard skiing in the sunshine, with bikini-clad young women in background. Title? “White people have no culture.” Caught, I read the article. The author thinks white people actually do have culture—a culture of appropriation and colonization, and, well, all things ugly and evil. A commenter points out the stupidity of her argument: “All major parts of the world has seen empires rise and fall, Byzantine, Mongols, China, Feudal Japan, The Ottoman empire, the Umayyads, the Mali empire, the Aztec empire etc. Being capable of doing atrocities is not an exclusive feature of white people.”

Paul Ryan is up next, talking about the need for health care reform in the States. I just can’t. Next, a friend posts a photo of a raspberry and brownie dessert with Pollack-inspired swirls of chocolate drizzle.“Oh my god.” That, and so much nicer than Paul Ryan.

The next title says it all. “Trump signs resolution to permit dumping mining waste into waterways.” Just ahead of this corker: “‘Pure madness’: dark days inside the White House as Trump shocks and rages.” The caption tells us that Trump’s friends “worry that he is becoming too isolated.” Who are those friends, one wonders.

On to the next. “Key US lawmakers want to boost Israel’s $38 billion defence aid.” No one seems to be boosting foreign aid to the Palestinians living in Gaza.

A post on chemtrails. Skip to: “Trump just publicly humiliated Melania,” obviously another chemtrail story. And “President Trump suggests executing drug dealers.” A true progressive.

Scroll down to Gordon Ramsay and James Corden facing off on “late night’s grossest game: Spill your guts or fill your guts,” with a photo of James gnawing on a massive chunk of meat.

Next we learn McGill University is tainted with antisemitism, that cleaning products may harm female workers’ lungs as much as smoking a pack a day, and that the EU is planning a $3.5 billion trade war against the US. Now we’re talking.

This leads to “The many benefits of backyard chickens,” a piece from the Toronto Star that has Thunder Bay friends clucking. And another scam warning about a fake Canada Revenue letter. Beware. Another friend posts a set of recent watercolours of flowers. Pretty. Just ahead of a photo of young women sitting on a bus staring into their cellphones while two old women stand, hanging onto the overhead bars.

Then two photos in a row, one comparing young Trump to young Mueller in army gear, and another comparing Ivanka Trump to Angela Merkel, who is giving Ivanka the side-eye.

And another video. Here’s a guy dressed in a giant cymbal costume, drumming on…wait for it…a cymbal. But the high-point of the FB tour is the Photoshopped pic of Justin in a white US police uniform with short-shorts, bare legs, handgun and cowboy hat, captioned, “I see Justin Trudeau is visiting the US to speak about gun control.”

That’s all I have for now. The newsfeed keeps rolling. Catch you next week.

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